Bluehost, a WordCamp Pillar-level sponsor, has been a recommended hosting provider on WordPress.org since 2005.

Shared hosting is the world’s most popular type of web hosting, and millions of sites use Bluehost for it. In 2013 the company is rolling out dedicated server hosting and VPS (virtual private server) for those wanting more power, resources, or control. bluehost wordcamp nashville

Features of VPS hosting include three simple configurations, resource customizations, bandwidth protection, root access and seconds to provision.

Bluehost launched dedicated hosting in beta in March 2013. The service includes a single sign-on for account management (server management, cPanel, everything) and a dedicated support line.

Regardless of the hosting plan, Bluehost uses the latest in server and server room technology to insure customers’ uptime and website speeds aren’t compromised.

The Utah-based company has its own data center, builds its own servers, has its own nationwide fiber network, and builds its own custom linux kernel.

Support and customer service are paramount. With hold times that average less than 30 seconds and 100% in-house onsite staff in Utah, Bluehost aims to make customers happy. And provide outstanding services for the lowest possible price.

Bluehost is indeed a pillar of the WordPress community; we’re honored by the company’s Pillar-level sponsorship of WordCamp Nashville 2013.

Bluehost website

Bluehost private servers