Sponsor Spotlight: Code Poet

Think of Code Poet as a coffee shop or taproom where everyone is talking about WordPress. Everyone.

In Code Poet’s own words:

If you use WordPress to build things for other people, we want to make your life easier. No matter whether you freelance on a solo basis, lead a small web shop, make plugins in a dark closet, or crack the whip at a large design firm, our aim is to become your go-to source of information and resources to help you expand your WordPress skills and know-how. To make you better at what you do. To make it easier to make your living and look great doing it.

And we thank them. Code Poet

Code Poet is a resource for WordPress developers and designers that aims to make the working knowledge and real world strategies of WordPress tribe members accessible. The site features interviews with real Code Poets, articles, WordPress news compiled from around the Interwebs, free e-books and other handy stuff. E-books available include “Getting Pricing Right,” “Locking Down WordPress,” and “WordPress, Meet Responsive Design.” In the latter, three WP pros share how they use media queries and fluid images and grids to create responsive WordPress sites.

Code Poet, like WordPress.com, Polldaddy, Akismet, VaultPress, Gravatar, and some other favorites, is a production of Auttomatic, the company behind the people behind the WordPress that we all know, love and use the $#&* out of.

Contact: Andrea Middleton
Website: http://codepoet.com
Twitter: @wpcodepoet